July 28, 2012

Weekly Finds: July 28, 2012

A Man With Magnifying Glass by digitalart
Image courtesy of digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Every week, we’ll be sharing a list of posts, stories, news, or opinions that we've run across the Internet during the past week or two. We won't be discussing them in detail here, but we do encourage you to check them out as they could contain valuable ideas and insights for your IELTS exam.

If you're ready, here we go...

Eliminating Nominalizations/Buried Verbs in Legal Writing

Discover why the use of nominalizations (verbs that have been changed into nouns) is possibly the best sign of poor legal writing.


Supposably vs. Supposedly. Which should you use?

Difference Between "Shall" and "Will" in English Grammar

Both verbs indicate the future tense and suggest a variety of implications depending on the situation where they are used. We invite you to note the differences, though.

Infeasible or unfeasible?

The article discusses the etymology of each word.

A-Z of Unusual Words

Bold graphics and visual wit are used to interpret and represent a collection of strange, unusual and lost words.

Anyplace and Anywhere

"Anyplace" is an adverb that means the same thing as "anywhere." But note the difference.

Results of punctuation experiment

Find out how different people mark a given set of quotations.

Claim Your Day of Rest for Improved Health and Productivity

Read more about the benefits of rest in our lives.

How reader technology has made me a smarter reader and learner

Do you have similar experiences in using an e-reader?

3 Common Writing Mistakes and How to Catch Them

Here are some pointers that could help us in our IELTS writing practice.

Driver education

"Driver side" versus "driver's side." Which is correct?

Grammar and Usage

Quotes about grammar from notable authors.

Beware of Spell Check

Read about the few traditional trouble spots when it comes to spell check features.

6 incredibly useful spelling rules from childhood

Here are a number of general spelling rules and their exceptions.

Is it really hard writing essays?

A reminder for us to just keep trying.

Ancient theories of language evolution: The origin of the monolingual myth

A fascinating read on the origins of language.

Quotes | Creating Great Characters

Be inspired by what other authors think about writing.

Grammar lesson: "I" vs. "me"

Effective tips on when to use "I" and "me."

Grammar Myths: Don’t End Your Sentence with a Preposition

There are some instances where you could do so.


"Read regularly, and read widely." - Richard Milner

The borne conspiracy

"Born" vs. "Borne." What's the difference?

Essential lexical tools

Here's a cool list for improving your vocabulary.

12 Signs and Symbols You Should Know

Ever wondered how to use the symbols "~," "_," or "@," etc.? Read the article.

'Affect' or 'effect'? 6 simple memory tricks

Now there's no reason to mix these words up.

10 Bruce Lee Quotes That Can Improve Your Writing

Most of these quotes were originally about martial arts or life in general, but I agree with that author that they have tremendous value for writers.