Have you ever wondered how to go about answering these types of questions?
We've discovered this article from author Jody Hedlund where she was sharing the way to describe character appearances for her next novel. She thus suggests that we can make use of:
eye and hair descriptions.
You should mention eye color, hair color, hair length, or hair style.
other physical attributes
Let's say, the person had a thin face or knobbly knees.
verbal aspects
This applies when the person that you're describing has a favorite expression or catch phrase.
other characteristics
For example, a boy who's extremely forgetful.
For instance, a person who always twitches his eyes.
Keep in mind that in your Speaking exam, your examiners are checking for the criteria of Lexical Resource and Fluency and Coherence. As these techniques involve the use of adverbs and adjectives, you would be able to highlight your skills in Lexical Resource. Also, if you add more descriptions on the person that you're talking about, then you could provide more depth to your two-minute talk in Part 2, which in turn would afford you a chance to get higher marks in Fluency and Coherence.
Hat tip to Jody Hedlund, for sharing these helpful techniques. Head on over to her blog for more information about writing.