Every week, we’ll be sharing a list of posts, stories, news, or opinions that we've run across the Internet during the past week or two. We won't be discussing them in detail here, but we do encourage you to check them out as they could contain valuable ideas and insights for your
IELTS exam.
If you're ready, here we go...
A new study suggests that babies learn bits of their native languages even before they are born. A baby develops the ability to hear by about 30 weeks’ gestation, so he can make out his mother’s voice for the last two months of pregnancy.
It was once a sign of virility and masculinity - whatever happened to the high heel?
Anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, metonymy, and synecdoche - Use these less common figures of speech to convey meanings in a more vivid and impressive manner both in writing and speaking.
Want to improve your presentation skills? Here's how to stop being a zombie and present with style and influence!
In the dictionary, when you’re looking up a noun that ends in s, you’re apt to find a notation like this: “noun plural but singular in construction.” What does that mean?
How do we use each of these in English?
Gain confidence in your test-taking skills with these simple tips.