September 14, 2013

Weekly Finds: September 14, 2013

A Man With Magnifying Glass by digitalart
Image courtesy of digitalart /

Every week, we’ll be sharing a list of posts, stories, news, or opinions that we've run across the Internet during the past week or two. We won't be discussing them in detail here, but we do encourage you to check them out as they could contain valuable ideas and insights for your IELTS exam.

If you're ready, here we go...


37 English Words for Describing a Person's Appearance

Here's a video to consider. It contains great ideas for your listening and speaking exam.


Don't Burn Your Books—Print Is Here to Stay

The e-book had its moment, but sales are slowing. Readers still want to turn those crisp, bound pages.


Why Do You Obsess about the Writing Rules?

Read the author's thoughts on following writing rules.


39 Ways to Become a Better Speaker

Here are the author's tips for you to foster a deeper connection with your audience and give you the ability to broadcast your message to the world.


Adverbs of frequency

Here are two games for you to play to practise using adverbs of frequency in English.


'Alright' is not all right

Read the author's views on whether “alright” for “all right” is acceptable use.


What Will Human Cultures Be Like in 100 Years?

Three futurists and one science fiction writer share their view on the social changes that we should expect to see in the next century.