November 17, 2012

Weekly Finds: November 17, 2012

A Man With Magnifying Glass by digitalart
Image courtesy of digitalart /

Every week, we’ll be sharing a list of posts, stories, news, or opinions that we've run across the Internet during the past week or two. We won't be discussing them in detail here, but we do encourage you to check them out as they could contain valuable ideas and insights for your IELTS exam.

If you're ready, here we go...

Yes, people do judge you by your grammar

The authors share some of the common grammar errors that they've seen around their site, ActiveRain.

3Qs: Neologisms for the internet age

Northeastern University office asked Heather Lit­tle­field, asso­ciate aca­d­emic spe­cialist and head advisor of the lin­guis­tics pro­gram in the Col­lege of Sci­ence, to com­ment on our modern taste for dig­ital jargon.

Homophones, Homonyms, and Homographs

Find out what the differences and similarities are and pick up tips for remembering them.

Does ‘decimate’ really mean ‘destroy one tenth’?

The complaint about the word typically centers on the fact that decimate is used improperly to refer to ‘destroying a large portion of something’, when the ‘true’ meaning of the word is ‘to put to death (or punish) one of every ten’.

Proper Use of the Ellipses

The author discusses the proper use of the ellipses, along with a little insight as to where it's most commonly used.

The Serial Comma

Learn how to correctly use the serial comma.

Common Errors in English: Ask + Prepositions

Learn the difference between ask, ask for, ask to, and ask about - to avoid this common error in English with prepositions.


Read the author's discussion of the subjunctive mood.

If One Were to Use the Subjunctive Mood Properly

Here's another discussion on the subjunctive mood. This could be useful for Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking Exam.

Answering Students’ Grammar Questions: When Do I Use “All of the,” “All the,” or “All”?

Which is correct: all of the people, all the people, or all people?

Take Massive Action – Steps to Help You Achieve Excellent Results!

When you take little or no action, you will receive little or no results. This is the law of the universe, and there isn’t anything that you can do to change it.

A cautionary vision of things to come

Here's a funny article about the word "literally."

The language of criminals

We English speakers owe so much to our roguish forebears, who revolutionised our language.

Using the Correct Word

The author discusses the misconjugation of the verb "dive."

Common Comma Usage

This post presents 11 rules (with accompanying examples) for comma usage in English.

The Secret to Being Self-Taught: Curiosity

One thing most self-taught (and self-made) people have in common is curiosity—immense, driving curiosity. If you can develop your curiosity and have patience, you can learn anything on your own.

Grammar habits are too hard to break: Jarvis DeBerry

The author shares his thoughts on the word "whom."

Why We Have Both “Color” and “Colour”

Find out why Noah Webster simplified American English spelling--and what differences weren’t his idea.

Watch Out for Those Progressive Verbs

The author discusses the importance of progressive verbs.

Reading Your Way to Better Writing

The author shares three tips to help us get better with writing.