October 20, 2012

Weekly Finds: October 20, 2012

A Man With Magnifying Glass by digitalart
Image courtesy of digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Every week, we’ll be sharing a list of posts, stories, news, or opinions that we've run across the Internet during the past week or two. We won't be discussing them in detail here, but we do encourage you to check them out as they could contain valuable ideas and insights for your IELTS exam.

If you're ready, here we go...

How to Learn in Your Sleep

Research published in Nature Neuroscience shows that we can learn entirely new information while we snooze.

The 5 Most Annoying Grammar Mistakes

The author lists some offences to the English language which she considers as simply inexcusable.

ENGLISH QUIZ: Can YOU crack these conjunctions?

The author invites us to answer some questions and find out just how good we are with the use of conjunctions in English grammar.

Clause I Said So: A Refresher Course On Sentence Types

The author focuses on the largest piece of the sentence’s construction—the clause.

Using Proper Grammar Through Social Media

The author believes that there are many common Internet terms that you will come across through your online work. She thus argues that not only is spelling important but the punctuation and consistent style are also important.

Memory Enhanced by a Simple Break After Reading

If you find it difficult to remember what you’ve read, try this easy technique.

Unique Words in the English Dictionary

Some words in the English dictionary are truly unique. English words found in the English dictionary aren’t always of English or American origin. Some words which were included were derived from the different languages from around the world.

How to talk about your friends in English

Will you play with me? Will you be my friend? Learn how to speak like an adult when you talk about your friends.

Slang Words: Relationships

Learn 10 American English slang words and expressions about relationships.

20 Redundant Phrases to Eliminate from Your Writing

Keeping your sentences crisp and clear can add punch to your writing, helping you get your point across more effectively.

Brain learns while you snooze

Even while in a deep slumber, people can still learn brand new information. Sleepers soak in new associations between smells and sounds, knowledge that lingers into the next waking day, researchers report online August 26 in Nature Neuroscience.


Find out how the author handles this.

Finding the right word

How do you choose the right word? Some just don’t fit what you’re trying to convey, either in the labor of love prose for your creative writing class, or the rogue auto-correct function on your phone.

Going to the movies

This post presents cinema related vocabulary, discussing synonyms for the word movie and vocabulary related to different types of movies.

25 Synonyms for “Delete”

Learn them all. Read on.

What are the 5 steps for changing bad habits into good ones?

The author shares her ideas on bad habits and good habits and suggests the best ways to turn one into the other.


Here's a list of some of the new words added to the Oxford Dictionaries Online.

Grown and growner

The author responds to the following remark made by TM:
A language anomaly of sorts that has entertained me for some time is the term "grown man."

First, it's a term that we use ONLY in circumstances where someone is, in fact, not acting like a grown man; yet the use of the term is literal, not ironic. E.g., "I can't believe that a grown man would act this way." The term is not used in any other context, as far as I know.

Second, there is no such term as "grown woman." No one ever says that.

Plural jam

Learn how to make compound words plural.

i.e. and e.g.: What they mean and how to use them

Here's a good discussion about the abbreviations i.e. and e.g.

6 Ways to Change Your Attitude Right Now

Want to change your attitude quickly? The author suggests six tricks to change your mood right now.

One Point English Lesson: Because, Since, & As

When you want to say the reason something happens, you can use because, since, or as. The author teaches us how these words are used.

Bad English is the lingua franca of science

Read the author's discussion on the widespread use of the English language in the field of science.

Why is something that is the very best known as ‘the bee’s knees’?

Read some interesting trivia about this expression.

How to Express and Accept Compliments in the English Language

Enrich your vocabulary by learning how to give and receive a compliment in English.