August 10, 2013

Weekly Finds: August 10, 2013

A Man With Magnifying Glass by digitalart
Image courtesy of digitalart /

Every week, we’ll be sharing a list of posts, stories, news, or opinions that we've run across the Internet during the past week or two. We won't be discussing them in detail here, but we do encourage you to check them out as they could contain valuable ideas and insights for your IELTS exam.

If you're ready, here we go...


How to pronounce difficult words in English

Learn how to pronounce difficult multisyllable words in English - with a video and lots of pronunciation practice!"


Learning a 2nd language at a young age

The key to be fluent in second languages is to make sure they start to learn when they're still in diapers.


Organising ideas

Here's an article that discusses how to organize your thoughts when writing.


Reading aloud: Reading directions aloud

Reading aloud is shown to improve confidence and understanding. These activities have been designed to help you practise your reading and speaking skills in an authentic way. You will focus on the language used and different aspects of pronunciation.


3 Types of “Not Only . . . But Also” Errors

The sentences in the article, accompanied by discussion and corrected versions, demonstrate three categories of mistaken sentence construction.


Lights, camera, lexicon: the language of films in the OED

Film scripts form an important element of the Oxford English Dictionary’s reading programme, and the number of citations from films in the revised OED multiplies with each quarterly update.


5 examples of how the languages we speak can affect the way we think

A look at the ways that the construction of language can have implications for the way we think, act and parse the world around us.